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FlutNetz - Improving access to medical emergency care during flood disasters in Bangladesh

The sub-project "Gender Aspects of Flood Events in Bangladesh" at ISOE is part of the joint project "FlutNetz" and aims to analyze gender-specific issues of flood disasters and emergency measures in Bangladesh.

Research approach

FlutNetz aims at improving access to healthcare for emergency medicine conditions in flood disasters in Bangladesh. ISOE contributes its expertise in gender-sensitive social-ecological research to the joint project, and the empirical research in FlutNetz expands research activities in the field of population development and gender justice in context of climate change and climate adaptation. From an intersectional perspective, interdependencies of different impacts and vulnerabilities (such as age, income, cultural background) are analyzed. The major objective is an improved knowledge base for developing sustainable options for action. In a first step, a retrospective analysis of the research field and state of scientific debate on flood events, gender and emergency care in Bangladesh is being compiled. Subsequently, extensive social-empirical research will be conducted in a prospective analysis in selected research regions in northern Bangladesh. This includes a quantitative survey as well as qualitative interviews and focus group discussions. All research will be conducted in close cooperation with the research partners in Bangladesh.


As a result of anthropogenic climate change, Bangladesh is regularly affected by extreme weather events such as storms and floods. The frequency and severity of these events is increasing and they have serious impacts on the life, health and quality of life of the local population. Improving emergency medical care is crucial and essential in terms of its quality and access, particularly for the predominantly poorer rural population. It is important to consider gender aspects in context with other social factors such as age, income and educational background of the population. Due to gender-specific role expectations and social norms, in particular poorer women often have significantly less access to medical care and supply during and after flood disasters. Along with children and elderly people, women are also more frequently affected by fatalities and injuries due to drowning, snake bites or electric shocks during floods. In order to develop approaches for improving emergency medical care, it is therefore necessary to take into account the experiences, needs and knowledge of different affected population groups, as well as of the actors in emergency care

Research and project partners
  • • Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Occupational Medicine, Social Medicine and Environmental Medicine
  • • RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Associated partners in Bangladesh (selection)ন)
  • • Center for Injury Prevention and Research (CIPRB), Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief
  • • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

The project "Improving access to medical emergency care during flood disasters in Bangladesh (FlutNetz)" is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the program "Research for Civil Security" under the call "International Disaster and Risk Management - IKARIM".


PD DR. DIANA HUMMEL, +49 69 7076919-33, hummel@isoe.de, Project team


Hummel, Diana (2021): The nexus between climate change, migration and gender. In: Eastin, Joshua/Kendra Dupuy (Hg.): Gender, Climate Change and Livelihoods. Vulnerabilities and Adaptations. Oxfordshire/Boston: CABI, 159-173

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